In English

Hello and warmly welcome to my webpage! Thank you for your interest towards my speech therapy services. I work as a speech therapist for children in Helsinki and Espoo region. My speech therapy sessions are usually held in Finnish. I am able to advise parents using English language. On some occasions (eg. when the near future therapy goals include interaction and non-verbal communication skills) it might be possible to hold the therapy sessions in English language, but this is always discussed and agreed on first with both the childs family and the party that has assigned the therapy for the child (eg. hospital speech therapist and/or doctor).


Speech and language therapist, M.A.

Work experience:

I graduated from the University of Oulu in 2012. I have also studied one semester in USA at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. After graduating I have worked at a Private Therapy Centre in Espoo/Helsinki region, and in 2015 started as a private practitioner.

Special skills:

I work with a wide variety of clients who need speech therapy. I have gained special skills through my work and special training especially in speech and oral motor issues, autism spectrum, interaction and core communication skills, delayed speech/language, specific language impairment, development disabilities and neurological issues, and feeding issues.

I have acquired extra training e.g. in the following (for a more specific list, see page ”Heidi”):

  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), levels 1 and 2
  • Pivotal Response Training (PRT)
  • Intensive Interaction -method
  • Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) method courses: levels 1 and 2, OPT+Apraksia, and OPT+ABA -course (speech motor issues)
  • Issues in feeding, eg. The Get Permission Approach to Pediatric Feeding Intervention training
  • I have attended trainings that are based on Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)
  • I am familiar with Augumentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), and am able to use for example picture communication books and signs in Finnish sign language
  • I have gained knowledge about multilingual speech development and its issues via different trainings, by working with many multilingual clients, and by living abroad in a multilingual environment myself in both my childhood and adulthood.

Besides my mother tongue Finnish, I also speak English, German and some Swedish.


  • phone: +358 50 4122634
  • email: puheterapeutti (a)

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